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Around about 2004 I started working for a company dedicated to the transporting of Asian trade goods with in the international districts from Seattle, Wa. to the bay area of San francisco and to most every nook and crany between. We put It on the sidewalk, they wheeled, drug, rolled, what ever it took to get it where it needed to go and I was fascinated with all of it.

    During my entire driving history I s suffered with type 2 diabeties . I was over weight out of shape and though in defile, my health was taking a turn for the worse and much sooner than I really ever imagined it could. 

     While hauling the Asian goods I realized nearly every thing on my truck was fresh and no doubt healthy.  I worked at that job for a couple of years and eventually joined a union and stayed a little closer to home. Well about 2007  my diabeties got a little worse and I was placed on a fast acting insuline along with all the other goodies associated with the disease and my company was no longer able to employ me for safety reasons and for good reason, insuline can get you in trouble and I now know this first hand.

So I went threw a couple of odd years and in time.  I just said the heck with it and drummed up about 30 lawn customers and off I went like a bull in a... well never mind that.  So I worked up quite an appetite cutting all that grass but then I kind of had a good appetite  all of my life whether I worked hard or not and so the truth be known, I spent the first twenty five years in  the work force sitting on my fat butt in some kind of a truck earning as much as I owed sometimes  tipping the scales at around 275 lbs.  So about two years into my lawn company, down I go with a nice heart attack followed by a quadruple bypass.


    I fought diet and all that stuff up until this summer around the time  when an infected toe on each foot ended up in the pickle jar.  Things had to change and they needed to change that day. When they wrapped my feet I knew what rock bottom really meant.  During several hospital stays and more recommendations and eating plans than I can remember we all agreed I needed to cut the carbs way down and I went at it like I should have for almost 20 years. I learned how to manage my insuline I take on a sliding scale and  based on my sugars I got real good at getting things back to normal for the next  meal, and really was  quite proud of myself. I got a little confused on carb counting, I was trying for 4 carbs per  meal but the labels were a little confusing so one day I gave a shout to a local talk radio show with a medical guest for some assistance and to my surprise his comment was "WHO EVEN TOLD YOU TO EAT 4 CARBS PER MEAL? YOU NEED TO CUT THEM OUT NOW!"  So I did. I went one month cooking nearly every meal of nothing by stir -fry vegetables in coconut butter in a Wok I got while I hauled Asian in food and goods 1 year earlier. Well in that month I went from nearly 5 units of insulin per meal to ZERO units after my first week and I decided to open a small village style asian market in my home town next to a produce market where I bought all my veggies. So it just made sense, WOK THIS WAY and it could very well rid you of the trip.

The erie effects of what I now refer to as DIABETICISM. I Have even developed a simple 12 step program to beat it. COOK  YOUR  OWN  FRESH  FOOD  ON A  WOK, FROM  WOK THIS WAY!



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